The Bower & Collier Family History

Research by Colin Bower

Silk Weavers named Collier


My wife Chis' maiden name is Collier and we learnt early on that her Great Great Grandfather was a Silk Weaver named Charles Collier.

Since then we have been trying to find the ancestors and siblings of Charles Collier among many Silk Weavers named Collier living in Shoreditch, Spitalfields and Bethnal Green in the 17th - 19th Cenuries.

The following articles are the result of a lot of research undertaken including enjoyable visits to the East End of London.

Research To Date

The Story So Far

The Story So Far

Progress To Date

Progress To Date

Things we wish we knew

Things we wish we knew



Links to Other Subjects

Information Obtained

Information Obtained

Analysis of Information Obtained

Analysis of Information Obtained

Information on Individual Families

Information on Individual Families

Articles Obtained

Articles Obtained

Silk Industry of Spitalfields& Bethnal Green

Silk Industry

Visits to London

Visits to London

Colin Bower
25 November 2023

Links to:

Silk Weavers named Collier - The Story So Far

Collier Family - Progress to Date

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