A descendant of Ida Marcia Augusta (Marcia)Shrubb, searching the web about the influential Shrubb Family of Boldre, came across my web-site:
Marcia Shrubb
Marcia Shrubb with her mother Sibella Shrubb
He has provided detailed and very interesting information about the Shrubb Family. This included the extraordinary 1899 wedding of Marcia Shrubb, when the cream of local society was invited plus Daisy, Princess of Pless formerly Mary Cornwallis West:
The Shrubb Family and their connections with Boldre
Account of Marcia Shrubb's Wedding 1899
Index to names included in the above papers
My correspondent also transcribed the 1873 diary kept by Sibella Shrubb and it presents a fascinating picture of life of a Victorian lady including the birth of her daughter Marcia on 11 March 1873 (Sundays were entered separately in the Diary):
Page from Diary - March 1873
Page from Diary - Sundays 1873
Introduction to Diary 1873 kept by Sibella Shrubb
Transcript of 1873 Diary kept by Sibella Shrubb
Names Index for 1873 Diary kept by Sibella Shrubb
In the two Names Indexes above, an asterick has been added to the names denoting similar names that appear in the Calling Book. In theory any lady without an asterisk could be the Victorian Lady who kept the Calling Book.
Marcia kept a Birthday Book in which people signed their name against their birthday including Annie Fluder, a candidate to be the Lady that kept the Calling Book signed the Birthday Book:
Annie FluderColin Bower
31 October 2009
Links to:
The Extraordinary (Cornwallis) West Family of Newlands Manor