The Bower & Collier Family History

Research by Colin Bower

Brecht One-Name Study

One-Name Studies

To establish a One-Name Study a minimum amount of research is required and is a big undertaking.

If I was starting again I would not start from here! I would have set up a relationship database which would have provide one-stop posting/cut out a lot of the work and meant I could offer it via my website.

Biths, Marriages& Deaths

One of the biggest (and most useful) parts of undertaking a One-Name Study, is to list all the Births, Marriages and Deaths in the official General Register.

I undertook this task some years ago when the information was held in large heavy binders at Record Offices in London, before they were transfered to the National Archives in Kew.

Today these records are available online.

Even though the number of entries in the name Brecht was very low, it took hours and days to complete the work with information compiled in 3 hand-wriiten lists of Births, Marriages and Deaths, which I still use to this day.

Records in My Website

As far as this website is concerned, I have typed up:

1. Births, Marriages and Deaths

The text of the 3 handwritten lists:




2. BMD Names Index

An alphabetical Names Index for Biths, Marriages and Deaths:

BMD Names Index

3. List of Spouses

From approx. 1911, the official records have included the mother's name on birth certificates.

From approx 1916, the official records have included the bride's maiden or last surname on marriages certificates.

I have typed upo a list of these spouses.brides under Other Surnames:

Other Surnames/a>

4. Certificates Held

I have listed the BMD certiciates that I have obtained over the years and added a Names Index:

Certificates Held

5. Own Register

Many years ago, I started to allocate a register number to each new name that I discovered and entered it in a Register to which I added new information as it occurred:

List of Brecht Names in Nnumber

List of Brecht Names in Alphabetical order

6. List of Families

As the Register built uop, I listed the names under Families:

List of Families in Number order

List of Families in Alphabetical order

Family Tree

One of the earliset sections in the website was a Family Tree:

Family Tree

I also came up with a Names Index:

Family Tree - Name Index

Colin Bower
9 March 2021

Brecht Family - Main Index

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