The Bower & Collier Family History

Research by Colin Bower

The Death of William II (William Rufus)

Family Tree of the de Clare Family
per Wikipedia

Richard fitz (son of) Gilbert
(Richard of Clare in the Suffolk return of Domesday book)

1. Richard fitz Gilbert was a kinsman of William the Conqueror and participated in the Norman conquest in 1066.

2. He was rewarded with 176 manors in England and the right to build castles at Clare and Tonbridge.

3. There was a rebellion to put William Rufus' brother Richard on the throne.

Gilbert fitz Richard de Clare c 1066-1117 born Clare
2nd feudal Baron of Clare
2nd Lord of Tonbridge

4. Gilbert with his brother Roger fortified his castle at Tonbridge against the forces of William Rufus
- but the castle was stormed with Gilbert wounded and taken prisoner

5. He and his brother were in attendance (with Walter Tirel) when William Rufus was killed

Colin Bower
31 October 2024

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