The Bower & Collier Family History

Research by Colin Bower

Madeleine Newland - Cassettee Tape Recordings Queen

Monday Morning Tape Service

Cassette tape recordings were deleivered to care homes in the New Milton area as part of the Monday Morning Tape Service. The tape selection was recorded in a ring binder.


Solent Mead Care Home

Maddy kept a record sheet for each care homes with the title and date of each tape delivereed.

An example of this is the record sheet for Solent Mead care home in Lymington, which received a total of 127 tapes from 2.2.1989 to 8.1.1991:

Page 1 2.2.89-15.6.89

Page 2 22.6.89-7.11.89 & 13.11.89-26.3.90

Page 3 2.4.90-20.8.90 & 27.8.90-14.1.91

Page 4 21.1.91-10.6.91 & 20..6.91-8.7.91

Solent Mead was a special case. Firstly it was in Lymington and secondly Maddy took the tapes and played them to a group of residents there each week.

When I looked at Maddy's records, I added the number of the tape in red.

Colin Bower
20 November 2021

List of Articles in Project

Maddy's Story

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