Over the years, various information about individuals, particularly those that survived, has come to light piecemeal.
The sources of the information may be summarised as:
1. Dad's 1941 Diary
2. Dad's Pocket Book
3. The menus from the Cabo de Hornos signed by survivors
4. The various accounts written by:
Those picked up by the Cabo de Hornos
A. Dad
B. Jack Arkinsall
C. Donald Brown
D. Tom Dunn
E. Spencer Mynott
F. A.H. Rowlandson
G. Alfred Warren
plus the SS Britannia website
Other Survivors
Ian McIntosh
Commander West
5. Other Information
From Journalist Melvyn Misquita in Goa
List of Goan Survivors
The information has been collated into 2 lists:
Appendix 1. A straight alphabetical list of names with references to Appendix 2
Appendix 2. Further information about certain individuals
Colin Bower
8 June 2020
Links to:
Britannia Index