The Bower & Collier Family History

Research by Colin Bower

Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates Held

Other Surnames


1. The asterisk * denotes one of our direct ancestors
2. The symbol # denotes unrelated certificate, it appears!


Full name:
Born at: (Date: )
Father: (Occupation: )
Mother: (Maiden Name: )

Full name: (of: )
Occupation: (Age: )
Married at: (Date )
Spouse: (of: )
Occupation: (Age: )
Relevant Witnesses:

Full Name: of: (Age: )
Died at: (Date: )
Informant: (of: )


#Full name: John Brecht (of: 9 The Holmes, Arthur Street, Crook)
Occupation: Foreman for Regulator (Age: 26)
Father: Hartmann Brecht
Married at: Wesleyan Methodist Church, Bishops Auckland (Date: 30/10/1911)
Spouse: Jane Abbott (of: 9 The Holmes, Arthur Street, Crook)
Occupation: (Age: 25)
Father: John Abbott, Miner
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: John Bower (of: 17 Cannon Street)
Occupation: Eating Housekeeper(?) (Age: Full)
Father: William Bower, Eating Housekeeper
Married at: St Mary's Chapel, Moorfield, City of London(Date )
Spouse: Charlotte Allington (of: 31 Cleveland Street, Fitzroy Square)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Thomas Allington, Farmer
Relevant Witnesses: Susanna Bower


#Full name: Thomas Richard Farrow (of: St Marylebone)
Occupation: Merchant Clerk (Age: Full)
Father: Richard Farrow, Gentleman
Married at: Parish Church of St Marylebone (Date: 10/6/1854)
Spouse: Alice Baylis (of: St Marlebone)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Joseph Baylis, Baker
Relevant Witnesses: Joseph Baylis, Anne Baylis


#Full name: William Bower, Widower (of: Bird Street)
Occupation: Harness Plater (Age: Full)
Father: Joseph Bower (Decd), Chaser
Married at: St Mary, Lambeth (Date: 13/6/1841)
Spouse: Sarah Fairmaner, Widow (of: Bird Street)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Thomas Betsworth (Decd), Labourer
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Richard Blake (of: Watkins Terrace)
Occupation: Gentleman (Age: Full)
Father: Henry Blake, Merchant
Married at: St George, Hanover Square (Date: 25/10/1837)
Spouse: Charlotte Bower (of: Watkins Terrace)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Thomas Wolsencroft Bower, Gentleman
Relevant Witnesses: Thomas Wolsencroft Bower, Eleanor Bower

Full Name: Martha Hennenn* of: 19 Eastfield Street (Age: 40 )
Occupation: Wife of Frederic Hennenn, Carman at Builders
Died at: 19 Eastfield Street, Limehouse (Date: 15/5/1889 )
Cause: Bronchitis Apoplexy
Informant: A Blake, Daughter (of: 24 Eastfield Street, Limehouse )


Full name: Ruth Bradbrook
Born at: 11 Thornhill Street, Islington (Date: 7/1/1841)
Father: Fenn Bradbrook* (Occupation: Silver Plate Polisher)
Mother: Ruth Bradbrook* (Maiden Name: Robinson )

#Full name: Nathaniel Gill (of: 1 Gun Street, Old Artillery Ground)
Occupation: Licensed Victualler (Age: Full)
Father: Nathaniel Gill, Licensed Victualler
Married at: Parish Church, Bethnal Green (Date: 12/7/1849)
Spouse: Maria Elizabeth Bradbrook (of: 43 Bethnal Green Road )
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: William John Bradbrook, Baker
Relevant Witnesses: William John Bradbrook, Mary Ann Bradbrook

Full name: Thomas William Hayes* (of: 7 Woodfield Road)
Occupation: Bricklayer (Age: 26)
Father: Thomas Hayes, Bricklayer Married at: Trinity Church, Paddington (Date: 7/5/1854 )
Spouse: Elizabeth Bradbrook* (of: John Street)
Occupation: (Age: 25) Father: Fenn Bradbrook, Silversmith Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Sarah Brecth
Born at: 44 Ainsworth Street, Liverpool (Date: 23/5/1891)
Father: Louis Brecth (Occupation: Journeyman Tailor)
Mother: Fanny Brecth (Maiden Name: Milton)


Full name: David Alfred Burgess (of: 9 St Paul's Road, Mile End)
Occupation: Assistant Accountant (Age: 25)
Father: James Wal;ter Burgess, Bristle Warehouseman
Married at: The Edinburgh Castle, Stepney (Date: 6/9/1930)
Spouse: Emily Enid Brecht (of: 78 Clemence Street, Limehouse)
Occupation: Milliner (Age: 24)
Father: Arthur Brecht, Carpenter
Relevant Witnesses: Walter Charles Burgess, Ellen Emily Brecht


Full name: William Hunt (of: Debenham)
Occupation: Labourer (Age: Full)
Father: John Hunt, Labourer
Married at: Parish Church, Debenham (Date: 20/7/1865)
Spouse: Mary Chilcot (of: Debenham)
Occupation: (Age: Minor)
Father: John Chilcot, Labourer
Relevant Witnesses: William Curtis, Emma Curtis


Full name: Edgar Charles Cocker (of: Hackney)
Occupation: Bricklayer (Age: 25)
Father: Francis Cocker, Labourer
Married at: St Luke's Church, Hackney (Date: 17/3/1894)
Spouse: Alice Jane Collier (of: Hackney)
Occupation: (Age: 23)
Father: Charles Collier, Hemp Dresser
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: James Collier (of: 33 King Street)
Occupation: Waterman (Age: 21)
Father: John Clooier (Deceased), Waterman
Married at: Holy Trinity, Barking Road (Date: 1/1/1888)
Spouse: Margaret Brecht (of: 33 King Street)
Occupation: (Age: 21)
Father: George Brecht, Painter
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: Henry Colvin (of: 9 Type Street, Bethnal Green )
Occupation: Colour Manufacturer (Age: Full)
Father: William Colvin, Calico Printer
Married at: St George in the East (Date: 16/9/1838)
Spouse: Harriet Brecht, Widow (of: 8 Bonner Street, Bethnal Green)
Occupation: Colour Manufacturer (Age: Full)
Father: John Piper, Harness Maker
Relevant Witnesses: William Richard Colvin, Elizabeth Colvin


Full name:William James Cordell (of: 4 Cross Street, Green Street, Bethnal Green)
Occupation: Weaver (Age: 23)
Father: John Edward Cordell, Weaver
Married at: Providence Chapel, Austin Street, bethnal Green (Date: 6/8/1850)
Spouse: Emma Collier (of: 2 Harrold Street, Green Street, Bethnal Green)
Occupation: (Age: 20)
Father: Charles Collier*, Weaver
Relevant Witnesses: John Collier


Full name: Edward John Rutter, Widower (of: 66 Adamson Road, Custom House)
Occupation: Dock Labourer (Age: 38 )
Father: Edward Rutter IDeceased), Coal Porter
Married at: Register Office, West Ham (Date: 3/6/1916)
Spouse: Lucy Ann Brecht, Widow (of: 59 Adamson Road, Custom House)
Occupation: (Age: 35)
Father: Charles William Cornwell (Deceased), Carman
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Silsby Marjoram (of: Dennington)
Occupation: Labourer (Age: Full)
Father: Edmund Marjoram
Married at: parish Church, Dennington (Date: 3/11/1840)
Spouse: Mary Easy (of: Dennington)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: George Easy
Relevant Witnesses: Harriet Marjoram


#Full name: George Bower (of: 17 Lambs Conduit Passage )
Occupation: Smith (Age: Full)
Father: George Bower, Veterinary Surgeon
Married at: St George, Bloomsbury (Date: 14/4/1838)
Spouse: Charlotte Edgerton (of: 17 Lambs Conduit Passage )
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: John Edgerton, Sawyer
Relevant Witnesses:

#Full name: George Bower
Born at: 5 Gate Street, St Giles in the Fields (Date: 20/2/1842 )
Father: George Bower (Occupation: Smith)
Mother: Charlotte Bower (Maiden Name: Egerton)


#Full name: William Bower, Widower (of: Bird Street)
Occupation: Harness Plater (Age: Full)
Father: Joseph Bower (Decd), Chaser
Married at: St Mary, Lambeth (Date: 13/6/1841)
Spouse: Sarah Fairmaner, Widow (of: Bird Street)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Thomas Betsworth (Decd), Labourer
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Edward Cox Fowler (of: Bedfordbury)
Occupation: Tailor (Age: Full)
Father: Edward Fowler, Office Clerk
Married at: St James, Westminster (Date: 3/5/1841)
Spouse: Lucy Bower (of: Bedfordbury)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: John Bower, Officer in Dockyard
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Benjamin Bower (of: St Botolph, Billingsgate )
Occupation: Orange Merchant (Age: Full)
Father: Benjamin Bower, Orange Merchant
Married at: St Katherine Coleman, City of London (Date: July 1850 )
Spouse: Eliza Jane Freeman (of: St Katherine)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Arthur Freeman, Wine Merchant
Relevant Witnesses: A. Freeman, Lucy Bower, Benjn Bower, Hannah Bower, H Bower


Full name: Joseph Gale (of: Stepney)
Occupation: Servant (Age: Full)
Father: Joseph Gale, Carpenter
Married at: Parish Church, Stepney (Date: 9/9/1848)
Spouse: Catherine Piper Brecht (of: Stepney)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Henry Brecht, Color Manufacturer
Relevant Witnesses: Henry Colvin, Rosnea Piper Brecht


#Full name: Nathaniel Gill (of: 1 Gun Street, Old Artillery Ground)
Occupation: Licensed Victualler (Age: Full)
Father: Nathaniel Gill, Licensed Victualler
Married at: Parish Church, Bethnal Green (Date: 12/7/1849)
Spouse: Maria Elizabeth Bradbrook (of: 43 Bethnal Green Road)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: William John Bradbrook, Baker
Relevant Witnesses: William John Bradbrook, Mary Ann Bradbrook


Full name: Edward Brecht, Widower (of: 23 Langton Street, Poplar)
Occupation: House Painter (Age: 50)
Father: George Brecht, General Dealer
Married at: Register Office, Poplar (Date: 1/7/1911)
Spouse: Martha Grant, Widow (of: 96 Blackthorn Street, Bromley )
Occupation: Laundrywoman (Age: 50)
Father: Simeon Mead
Relevant Witnesses: Simeon Mead


Full name: Ernest William (Ernst Wilhelm)Brecht (of: Kingston College, Sculcoates, Hull)
Occupation: Pastor of the German Lutheran Church (Age: Full)
Father: George Henry Brecht, Magistrate
Married at: German Lutheran Church, Strand (Date: 17/7/1850)
Spouse: Charlotte Constantia or Constanze Georgina Gruner (of: Buckingham Palace)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Ernest Frederick Gruner, Counsellor
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: John Hall (of: Stepney )
Occupation: Paper Stainer (Age: Full)
Father: William Hall, Mariner
Married at: Parish Church, Stepney (Date: 29/3/1851)
Spouse: Eleanor Brecht (of: Stepney)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Henry Brecht*, Colour Manufacturer
Relevant Witnesses: Bartholomew Meehan, Elizabeth Hall


Full Name: Frederick Hennenn (of: 22 Charles Street )
Occupation: Carman (Age: 23)
Father: Frederick Hennenn, Carman
Married at: St Thomas Church, Stepney (Date: 1/2/1880 )

Spouse: Martha Hannah Bower*, Widow (of: 23 Charles Street )
Occupation: (Age: 33)
Father: John Jones, Foreman in Docks
Relevant Witnesses: Selina Hennenn

Full Name: Martha Hennenn* of: 19 Eastfield Street (Age: 40 )
Occupation: Wife of Frederic Hennenn, Carman at Builders
Died at: 19 Eastfield Street, Limehouse (Date: 15/5/1889 )
Cause: Bronchitis Apoplexy
Informant: A Blake, Daughter (of: 24 Eastfield Street, Limehouse )


Full name: James Seaborn* (usually spelt Seabourn)(of: Jerusalem Square)
Occupation: Labourer (Age: Full)
Father: John Seaborn*, Labourer
Married at: Parish Church, Hackney (Date: 10/10/1847)
Spouse: Ellen Maria Holbrook* (of: Jerusalem Sqaure)
Occupation: (Age: Full )
Father: William Holbrook*, Labourer
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: William Edward Walland* (of: Poplar)
Occupation: Cowkeeper (Age: Full )
Father: Edward Walland*, Cowkeeper
Married at: Parish Church, Poplar (Date: 14/8/1837)
Spouse: Susan Hutley* (of: Poplar)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Thomas Hutley*
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: John Soren Iceton (of: 85 Turner's Road)
Occupation: Seaman (Age: 33)
Father: John Iceton, Seaman
Married at: St Paul's, Bow Common (Date: 8/3/1884)
Spouse: Mary Ann Brecht (of: 14 Bagally Street)
Occupation: (Age: 23)
Father: George Brecht, Paperhanger
Relevant Witnesses: Mary Ann Brecht


p>Full name: Arthur Brecht (of: Grasslands District, Bloemfontein)
Occupation: Motor-car Engineer (Age: 23)
Married at: Bloemfontein Cathedral (Date; 7/6/1924)
Spouse: Alice Clara Isles (of: Grasslands District, Bloemfontein)
Occupation: (Age: 23)
Relevant Witnesses:



Full name: Harry Jeffrey (of: 19 King Edwards Road, Ponders End )
Occupation: Bench-hand (Age: 31)
Father: Harry Lewis Jeffrey, Nurserman
Married at: St James Church, Enfield Highway (Date: 30/4/1934)
Spouse: Quennie Phyllis Vera Collier (of: 19 King Edwards Road, Ponders End)
Occupation: (Age: 27)
Father: Walter James Collier*, Chemist
Relevant Witnesses: Albert Victor Sydney James Collier


Full name: Thomas John King (of: Civic Street, Liverpool )
Occupation: Wigher in the Customs (Age: 29)
Father: Thomas John King, Carrier
Married at: St Alban's, Bevington, Liverpool (Date: 19/11/1854)
Spouse: Elizabeth Piper Brecht (of: Civic Street, Liverpool)
Occupation: (Age: 25)
Father: Henry Brecht, Colour Maker
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Alfred Bower (of: Toxteth in the County of Lancaster)
Occupation: Broker (Age: Full)
Father: William Bower, Broker
Married at: St George, Bloomsbury (Date: 24/8/1843)
Spouse: Mary Elizabeth Lance (of: 36 Nart Street)
Occupation: (Age: Minor)
Father: George Lance, Artist
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: Alfred Bower (of: Parsons Green, Fulham)
Occupation: Baker (Age: Full)
Father: Christopher Bower*, Publican
Married at: St James, Garlickhythe (Date: 7/6/1849)
Spouse: Amelia Light (of: Parsons Green, Fulham)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: John Light, Carman
Relevant Witnesses: Benjamin Bower, Jane Light


Full name: Edward Brecht, Widower (of: 23 Langton Street, Poplar)
Occupation: House Painter (Age: 50)
Father: George Brecht, General Dealer
Married at: Register Office, Poplar (Date: 1/7/1911)
Spouse: Martha Grant, Widow (of: 96 Blackthorn Street, Bromley )
Occupation: Laundrywoman (Age: 50)
Father: Simeon Mead
Relevant Witnesses: Simeon Mead


Full name: Josiah Meadowcroft (of: Stepney)
Occupation: Paper Stainer (Age: Full)
Father: William Meadowcroft, Coal Miner
Married at: Parish Church, Stepney (Date: 13/2/1848)
Spouse: Caroline Brecht (of: Stepney)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Henry Brecht, Colour Manufacturer
Relevant Witnesses: Catherine Brecht


Full name: Henry Brecht, Widower (of: 43 Garfield Road)
Occupation: Painter (Age: 41)
Father: George Brecht, Painter
Married at: Holy Trinity, Barking Road (Date: 10/11/1908 )
Spouse: Annie Helen Measor (of: 213 Barking Road)
Occupation: (Age: 27)
Father: Janes Edward Measor, Painter
Relevant Witnesses: G Brecht, M Brecht


Full name: Batholomew Meehan (of: Stepney)
Occupation: Tailor (Age: Full)
Father: John Meehan, Tailor
Married at: Parish Church, Stepney (Date: 14/5/1850)
Spouse: Rosnea Brecht (of: Stepney)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Henry Brecht, Colour Manufacturer
Relevant Witnesses: Henry Colvin, Elizabeth Brecht


Full name: George Brecht (of: 1a Thomas Street)
Occupation: Carpenter (Age: 22)
Father: George Brecht, Painter
Married at: St Thomas Church, Stepney (Date: 28/2/1880)
Spouse: Henerina Jakoba Oliver (of: 145 Upper North Street )
Occupation: (Age: 23)
Father: William Oliver, Engineer
Relevant Witnesses: Henerina Jakoba Oliver


Full name: Albert Edward Brecht (of: 273 Barking Road)
Occupation: Painter (Age: 25)
Father: George Brecht, Painter
Married at: St Andrews Church, Plaistow (Date: 20/8/1898 )
Spouse: Jessie Hannah Paxton (of: 34 Actine (?) Road)
Occupation: (Age: 25)
Father: Charles David Paxton, Shipwright
Relevant Witnesses: Charles Joseph John Paxton, Selina Paxton


#Full name: Alfred Henry Farrow (of: 38 Arthur Road)
Occupation: Clerk (Age: 23)
Father: Thomas Richard Farrow
Married at: St Mark's Church, Islington (Date: 24/1/1882)
Spouse: Elizabeth Gurney Philpot (of: 20 Turle Road, Islington Park)
Occupation: (Age: 29)
Father: Thomas Gurney Philpot
Relevant Witnesses: Fredric Richard Farrow, Jessie H Philpot, Thomas G Philpot


Full name: Henry Colvin (of: 9 Type Street, Bethnal Green)
Occupation: Colour Manufacturer (Age: Full)
Father: William Colvin, Calico Printer
Married at: St George in the East (Date: 16/9/1838)
Spouse: Harriet Brecht, Widow (of: 8 Bonner Street, Bethnal Green)
Occupation: Colour Manufacturer (Age: Full)
Father: John Piper, Harness Maker
Relevant Witnesses: William Richard Colvin, Elizabeth Colvin


Full name: Benjamin Bates Bower* (of: Knightsbridge)
Occupation: Tailor (Age: Full)
Father: Christopher Bower*, Tailor
Married at: St George, Hanover Square (Date: 24/11/1842)
Spouse: Mary Pitts* (of: Knightsbridge)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: James Benjamin Pitts*, Smith
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Thomas Hayes (of: 9 Old Nichols Street )
Occupation: Hawker (Age: 25)
Father: Thomas Hayes, Carpenter
Married at: St Philip's Church, Bethnal Green (Date: 10/8/1847)
Spouse: Mary Ann Ridgeway, Widow (of: 10 Old Nichol's Street )
Occupation: (Age: 32)
Father: John Smith, Painter & Glazier
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Thomas Robson
Born at: 9 New Street, Bethnal Green (Date: 2/12/1862)
Father: Benjamin Edward Robson (Occupation: Shoemaker)
Mother: Eliza Robson (Maiden Name: Fowkes)

Full name: John George Robson (of: Plaistow)
Occupation: Butcher (Age: Full)
Father: George Robson, Butcher
Married at: St Mary's Church, Plaistow (Date: 16/6/1872)
Spouse: Ellen Maria Seabourn*, Widow (of: Plaistow )
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: William Holbrook, Shoemaker
Relevant Witnesses: William Holbrook, Hannah Holbrook

Full name: Ruth Elizabeth Robson
Born at: 10 Elphick Street, Plaistow (Date: 27/5/1873)
Father: John George Robson (Occupation: Butcher)
Mother: Ellen Maria Robson*, late Seabourn (Maiden Name: Holbrook )


#Full name: Benjamin Bower (of: Gloucester Terrace)
Occupation: Saddler (Age: Full)
Father: John Bower, Independent
Married at: St Luke, Chelsea (Date: 28/11/1852)
Spouse: Susan Roseblade (of: Gloucester Terrace)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: Thomas Roseblade, Farmer
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: Edward John Rutter, Widower (of: 66 Adamson Road, Custom House)
Occupation: Dock Labourer (Age: 38 )
Father: Edward Rutter IDeceased), Coal Porter
Married at: Register Office, West Ham (Date: 3/6/1916)
Spouse: Lucy Ann Brecht, Widow (of: 59 Adamson Road, Custom House)
Occupation: (Age: 35)
Father: Charles William Cornwell (Deceased), Carman
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Edward Smerdon (?) (of: Topsham)
Occupation: Servant (Age: Full)
Father: Richard Smerdon (?)
Married at: St Thomas, Topsham (Date: 4/12/1838)
Spouse: Mary Walland (of: Topsham)
Occupation: Servant (Age: Full)
Father: Edward Walland, Chandler
Relevant Witnesses: Eliza Walland


#Full name: Thomas Hayes (of: 9 Old Nichols Street )
Occupation: Hawker (Age: 25)
Father: Thomas Hayes, Carpenter
Married at: St Philip's Church, Bethnal Green (Date: 10/8/1847)
Spouse: Mary Ann Ridgeway, Widow (of: 10 Old Nichol's Street)
Occupation: (Age: 32)
Father: John Smith, Painter & Glazier
Relevant Witnesses:

#Full name: Thomas Hayes (of: 29 Coal Harbour Street)
Occupation: Hall Keeper (Age: Full)
Father: John Hayes, Carpenter
Married at: parish Church, Bethnal Green (Date: 27/7/1847)
Spouse: Mary Ann Mills Smith (of: 29 Coal Harbour Street )
Occupation: (Age: Minor)
Father: Benjamin Jacob Smith, Picture Framer
Relevant Witnesses: Caroline Hayes


Full name: William Stemp (of: Cranley )
Occupation: Laborer (Age: Full)
Father: George Stemp, Laborer
Married at: St Nicholas Church, Cranley (Date: 5/9/1857)
Spouse: Hannah Peryer (of: Cranley )
Occupation: Servant (Age: 21)
Father: Henry Peryer*
Relevant Witnesses:


Full name: Edward Ludowic Leopold Brecht (of: 14 Bagally Street)
Occupation: House Decorator (Age: 22)
Father: George Brecht, House Decorator
Married at: St Paul's, Bow Common (Date: 29/1/1883)
Spouse: Clara Everdon Stevens (of: 20 Bloomfield Street)
Occupation: (Age: 19)
Father: Charles Peter Stevens, Sailor (?)
Relevant Witnesses: James Charles Stevens


Full name: Henry Frederick Brecht (of: 192 Grange Road)
Occupation: Painter (Age: 26)
Father: George Brecht, Dealer
Married at: Holy Trinity, Barking Road (Date: 9/10/1889)
Spouse: Elizabeth Harriet Stone (of: 344 Grange Road)
Occupation: (Age: 21)
Father: George Stone, Tobacco Sampler
Relevant Witnesses: A. M. Lawree


#Full name: William Louis Brecht (of: On Active Service B.E.F. France)
Occupation: Lieut Australian Imperial Force (Age: 37)
Father: William Louis Brecht (Deceased), Grazier
Married at: St Jude's Church, Kensington (Date: 10/9/1918)
Spouse: Eva Blanche Thornton (of: 109 Cromwell Road)
Occupation: (Age: 36)
Father: Sylvester Thornton (Decased), Grazier
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: John Bower (of: George Street)
Occupation: Blacksmith (Age: Full)
Father: Robert Bower, Bricklayer
Married at: St Margaret, Westminster (Date: 19/5/1839)
Spouse: Hannah Wallis (of: George Street)
Occupation: (Age: Full)
Father: John Wallis, Baker
Relevant Witnesses:


#Full name: Thomas William Collier (of: This Parish)
Occupation: French Polisher (Age: 23)
Father: Thomas William Collier, Silk Weaver
Married at: St John's, Bethnal Green (Date: 1/6/1873)
Spouse: Rebecca Elizabeth Wicks (of: This Parish )
Occupation: (Age: 24)
Father: William Wicks, Paper Hanger
Relevant Witnesses: James Benjamin

Colin Bower
31 December 2007

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