A limited number of facts are known about the killing of William Rufus:
- on 2 August 1100, a Royal hunting party hunted in the New Forest
- William Rufus, his brother Henry and Sir Walter Tirel/Tyrel/Tyrell, at least, were in the hunting party
- William Rufus was killed by an arrow
- the main suspect was Sir Walter Tirel/Tyrel/Tyrell
It appears that the members of the hunting party, inclucing his brother Henry, dispersed!
The event was described in chronicles years after the event and a monument in the New Forest, the Rufus Stone, centuries later
The main objective is to try to identify some additional facts by first obtaining a good representative selection of books and other information published and then
analyse each publication for potential answers against a Template containing just 4 questions:
1. where the Hunting Lodge was
2. where the Hunting Accident took place
3. who was in the Royal Hunting Party
4. who fired the arrow which killed William Rufus, plus
Any additional information felt relevant
Colin Bower
18 August 2024